How to make your own SafeMoon with no code!

Safe Factory
6 min readMay 13, 2021


Do you want to be a token dev and get rich quick? Of course you do! What better way then to ride the train of deflationary moon coins! It’s as easy as using our builder and launching an IDO on DxSale.

Ongoing sales at DxSale

After building many safemoon clones for various companies and individuals and seeing them go to the moon I thought it was about time to make and launch SafeFactory to allow anyone to create their own moon token and ride the price straight up from the get go!

SafeFactory allows you to create your own SafeMoon clone without knowing any code. All you have to do is fill in our simple builder and click ‘create token’. Our builder contract will handle the rest such as deploying to the Binance Smart Chain, setting you as the owner of your new token, creating the LP on PancakeSwap for you to seed and sending all the tokens to you so you can start with either a DxSale IDO or simply launch the token yourself with your own liquidity on PancakeSwap.. Your contract source code will even be verified on BSCscan and other explorers automatically!

How to use SafeFactory:

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click connect wallet to connect your wallet. Your address should appear on the page

Before connected.
After connected with my account matching account in metamask.

Step 3: Fill out the form with your desired token details.

  • Name is the name of the token used in explorers etc
  • Symbol is the token symbol used on exchanges and wallets
  • Total supply is your tokens total supply that will also be sent to your wallet. Do not add decimals here, so if you want total supply to be 1000 only put 1000. (SafeMoon total supply is 1000000000000000)
  • Decimals is the amount of decimals after the main token digit. (ETH has 18 digits, SafeMoon has 9)
  • Max Tx Amount is the maximum number of tokens anyone will be able to transfer / swap (SafeMoon is 5000000000000)
  • LP Swap Amount is the amount of tokens the LP address must receive before it starts swapping tokens for bnb and locking LP (SafeMoon is 500000000000)
  • Total LP % is the % of each transaction will be sent to Liquidity Provider (PancakeSwap v2) after LP Swap Amount has been reached. (SafeMoon is 5)
  • Total To Holders % is the % of each transaction that will be redistributed to holders. (SafeMoon is 5)

Step 4: Click ‘Create Your Token’ button

  • Approve the transaction in Metamask (You will be charged a 0.1 BNB fee for using the service + Gas) and wait for the transaction to be approved on the blockchain

Step 5: Copy your newly created address that appears on the site and save it somewhere on your desktop (This is your new token address).

Step 6: Open up metamask and click add token at the bottom of your token list and add your new token

You now have all the tokens in your wallet and you are the owner of the token smart contract.

How to manage your token and change its settings?

Step 1: Click “Manage your token” on SafeFactory.

Step 2: On the manage your token page add your token address and click “load token”. After a few seconds all your token information will be displayed.

Once your token is loaded, below the information you will be able to set your modifiers.

How to launch an IDO on DxSale?

Do you want to raise money first to seed the Liquidity Pool on pancake swap with? Try out DxSale for your launch. Most sales raise efficient amount of capital with a bit of marketing effort.

Note: To start a sale on DxSale it is important to go to and set your tokens liquidity and tax fee to 0 otherwise DxSale will not be able to get or send the correct amount of tokens to users. EnableSwapAndLiquify is also set to False on token creation. This prevents your contract from selling any tokens into the liquidity pool until after you have listed on PancakeSwap.

Step 1: Go to and fill in the form taking note of how many tokens you will need to send them.

Step 2: Create your DxSale and promote it to reach your hardcap.

Step 3: Follow the instructions on DxSale to close your sale and launch on Pancake Swap. (DxSale will handle all the Initial liquidity addition.

Step 4: Set your tax fee and liquidity fee at back to what ever you want it to be.

Step 5: Set enableSwapAndLiquify to “True”

Step 6: Watch your token moon!

What if I don’t want to do a DxSale and just want to launch the token myself on Pancake Swap?

PancakeSwap listings require initial amounts of BNB and your token in order to create a Liquidity Pair and allow others to trade your token. If you want to skip the DxSale you can add the initial liquidity yourself. You must own BNB and decide what price you would like to set the initial listing to be once you add the tokens.

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click “Add Liquidity” then click select currency.

Step 3: Paste your token address into the field and click add and click the token.

Step 4: Fill in the amount of BNB and amount of your Token you would like to set to the initial LP. This will determine your listing price and slippage.

Step 5: Click Approve. This will allow pancake swap to spend your coins and BNB in your wallet.

Step 5: Click Supply. This will launch your token on Pancake Swap!

Remember to set your Tax Fee and Liquidity Fee… and EnableSwapAndLiquify to true.

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Enjoy your moon!

